Life’s Too Short for "Fine": Lessons from a Stolen Magnet
Sarah Oelschig Sarah Oelschig

Life’s Too Short for "Fine": Lessons from a Stolen Magnet

Someone stole a magnet off the back of my car last week. Now, before you get all judgy and say that I left myself open to that by having a magnet on the back of my car in the first place, let me explain to you why I like to have magnets and stickers and things on the back of my car. How did I become one of “those people?”

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When we grow up, where do our dreams go?
Sarah Oelschig Sarah Oelschig

When we grow up, where do our dreams go?

When do we give up on our dreams? Is it when we realize that someone else already invented that life-changing automatic cat door opener? Or when we decided that our sister was a much better artist than we would ever be? Does it begin the moment when Uncle Al in all his wisdom declares that our chosen career path is as profitable as selling ice in Antarctica? Or is it when we fall head over heels, get hitched, and suddenly our partner's dreams take the front seat, while ours get crammed into the glove compartment along with the expired registration papers that we neglected to throw away? Maybe it happens when we have children and we put their wants and needs above all else for two decades. Or maybe it happens when we become the default caretaker for an ailing parent or family member, our lives sidelined like a sitcom on a cable channel that nobody watches anymore. Or that simple moment when something that used to be fun just isn’t fun anymore.

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The Joy of Rediscovering Forgotten Treasures
Sarah Oelschig Sarah Oelschig

The Joy of Rediscovering Forgotten Treasures

One of the more recent bouts of joy of rediscovery that I've experienced came from watching my nine-going-on-ten daughter as she witnessed the chocolate-factory episode of I Love Lucy.

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Maintaining Human Connection in an AI World
Sarah Oelschig Sarah Oelschig

Maintaining Human Connection in an AI World

The importance of human connection cannot be overstated, especially in today's increasingly virtual world. As we spend more time online, it can be a real struggle to maintain those meaningful connections we all crave. So if you're feeling disconnected, know that you're not alone.

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Jon Stewart is My Hero
Sarah Oelschig Sarah Oelschig

Jon Stewart is My Hero

I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again - Jon Stewart is my hero. Not because he’s funny (although it doesn’t hurt), or because I always agree with him (because sometimes I don’t), but because he uses his voice for good.

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